On September 22 and 23, 2021 a national competition was held within the framework of EU “Erasmus + SMART” project at Brusov State University among the students of Brusov and Gavar State Universities. The aim of the competition was to present the start-up innovative ideas envisaged by the program by the students taking the first steps in the field of entrepreneurship. Before the competition stage, Nelli Kutuzyan, Vice-Rector for Educational and Scientific Affairs of Gavar State University, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor and Leon Babamyan, Head of the Career Center of Brusov State University, made a welcoming speech, touched upon the results of the projects.

Lilit Torchyan, Head of Foreign Relations and Media Department of Gavar State University, presented EU “Erasmus + SMART” project, its goals and objectives, the activities done within the work packages, the output results. Then, the director and founder of “Market Hike” organization Hayk Shahnazaryan presented the process of implementation of “start-up” business activities in Armenia. Astghik Hoveyan, the coordinator of the “YUNUS” Center of Gavar State University, referred to the consideration of what components should be used to prepare competitive “start-up” programs.

The jury of the competition included Varazdat Avetisyan, Head of the Chair of Informatics, Physical and Mathematical Sciences of Gavar State University, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Astghik Hoveyan, Coordinator of GSU “YUNUS” Center for Social Entrepreneurship, Lecturer of GSU, Hayk Shahnazaryan Member of BSU Alumni Association, director and founder of “Market Hike” organization.

On the second day of the competition, the participating students presented their interesting start-up ideas in the form of presentations, listened to the opinions and comments of the jury members. At the end of the competition, the jury’s assessments were summed up and the first place was taken by 3 participants, 2 of whom were the students of Gavar State University- Karen Mastoyan, Master 2nd year student of the Department of Computer Engineering, the Faculty of Natural Sciences, with “Musicify” project and Mery Avagyan, Bachelor 4th year student of the Department of Economics, The Faculty of Economics, with “MK Keeper” project.

The jury members highlighted the role of such kind of competitions in strengthening students’ entrepreneurial knowledge and practical skills.

The students participating in the competition were awarded with certificates


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